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Ministry Committees

Liturgists (Saturday & Sunday)

Read/Lead the Call to Worship, Invocation and Scripture Lessons for a worship service. You will be given the bulletin a few days in advance to practice if you wish. An invitation to assist more with the service always remains. Let's get started!

Advisory Committee

 As initiated by the church council, the committee meets to give guidance for the improvement of church programs/property.  After complete study and research, the findings are presented to the church council.

Evangelism Committee

The committee develops ways to encourage the welcome, orientation, integration, attendance and retention of church members.  The committee also helps to shape outreach programs and community relations that reflect the vision of St. Peter’s United Church of Christ, and focusing efforts on member engagement.

Nominating Committee

The committee presents a slate of nominees for the church council, all boards, and committees to the church council by the September council meeting.

Pastoral Relations Committee

The committee meets bi-monthly (every two months) to discuss what is happening in the life of the church and its relationship with the pastoral leadership.  The purpose of this committee is to foster open and honest communication between the pastor and the congregation.  Those serving are expected to maintain confidentiality.

Staff Relations Committee

The purpose of this committee is to consult and advise.  It provides support of all relationships between the clergy, staff, and members of the congregation.  This committee has responsibility of preparing job descriptions for church employees, subject to the approval of the church council. This committee annually reviews the job descriptions and performance evaluations, and meets quarterly or as needed. Those serving are expected to maintain confidentiality.

Worship Committee

The committee provides oversight for worship, which includes but is not limited to music, ushers and greeters, care of the altar and chancel area, and the preparation of Holy Communion.  The committee enlists members of the congregation to assist in accomplishing its purpose.  The committee meets bi-monthly (every two months) or as needed.

Food Pantry Task Force

The food pantry task force maintains a supply of food to assist in meeting the emergency food needs for people living in the Washington School District.  Volunteers comprise the task force. 

Justice Witness Mission Group

The justice witness mission group exists to identify issues in our church, community, and beyond which require education and advocacy.


20 E 5th Street (PO Box 510 for mail)

Washington, MO 63090

Office Hours: M-Th: 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

                        F: 8:30-12:00 p.m.


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